IT - Telecoms


Digitisation of the economy requires responses to security, storage and smart data management issues.

Telecommunication, information systems, infrastructure: exploit the full potential of digital technology!

1% of CIOs believe that rapid changes require changing the operational model of their IT.

The digital sector will generate 41% of business revenues in all sectors over the next five years.


Deadlines and innovation: the sector’s new drivers.

89 %

of IT decision-makers say their businesses have been the targets of successful malicious attacks over the last 12 months.

$189.1 BN

The sum that global business investment in big data processing and analysis solutions should reach.

94 %

of IT professionals say their businesses use the cloud and 84% of businesses adopt a multi-cloud strategy.


New mega-datacentres, each with more than 5,000 servers, are under construction or in the pipeline. These will be added to the 430 already in place worldwide.


  • Consultation services
  • Creation & Development
  • IS management
  • Architecture
  • Process optimisation
  • Virtualisation
  • Storage / Cloud
  • BI, Big Data
  • Network Engineering
  • Telecom Engineering
  • Deployment / Installation
  • Cybersecurity
  • Audit / Risk consultancy
  • Intrusion and vulnerability testing
  • Solution integration
  • Industrial computing
  • Software development
  • Mobility
  • ERP/CRM (SAP, SalesForce)
  • Collaborative working (OneDrive, SharePoint, Cloud, etc.)
  • Digital transformation

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