
Abylsen – Gender Equality Index – 2022 results

In accordance with the law “For the freedom to choose one’s professional future” of 5 September 2018, an index relating to equality between women and men has been defined to calculate the pay gap and identify areas for progress to improve equality.

The Index, out of 100 points, is composed of 4 to 5 indicators depending on whether the company has less or more than 250 employees:

• The gender pay gap,
• The gender pay gap, – The gender pay gap in the distribution of individual pay rises,
• The gender pay gap, The gender pay gap in promotions (only in companies with more than 250 employees),
• The number of female employees receiving a raise after returning from maternity leave,
• Parity among the 10 highest earners.

The overall score for the year 2022 is as follows:

French company of the groupTotal / 100 points

This represents an increase of 10% compared to the previous year. This overall score bears witness to Abylsen’s ongoing commitment to professional equality between men and women.

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