
Discover the Techn'AB – association set up by Toulouse consultants!

  • Can you introduce yourself in a few words? 

My name is Mathieu and I have been a Consultant at Abylsen Toulouse since July 2019. I work as a PMO in the aeronautics sector.

  • Can you tell us more about what "Soci'AB" and "Techn'AB" are?

With several other consultants, we had the idea of creating "Soci'AB" at Abylsen Toulouse on the model of student associations in business school or engineering. To date, 6 associations make up the "Soci'AB" and one of them is the "Techn'AB". This technology& geeks-oriented association aims to offer employees a new medium to express themselves & share ideas. The association has 8 "active" members to date and we hold a weekly meeting to share our inputs & ideas that we would like to develop. For the moment, we have carried out 3 projects:

    • 3D printing : we have equipped ourselves with a 3D printer to support the "3D makers" initiative carried out by the Group during the confinement! We have produced many protective visors for healthcare staff and all people in 1st line during this crisis. Now that the need for visors has decreased significantly, we have been looking for ways to continue to make ourselves useful and therefore decided to produce elbow-shaped door handles to help people comply with the new sanitary rules. To date, we have provided our premises but also the other companies in our building!
    • Virtual events : allow employees to meet regularly around virtual events (Loup Garou or Trivial Continues online)
    • Training : every Monday, we organize a moment of knowledge sharing according to the know-how of members & the needs that are reported to us by the employees (Excel, PPT, Metallurgy, ISO9001 standard)
  • To what extent has the lockdown brought this idea to light ?

The "Soci'AB" were not born during the confinement but, thanks to the confinement, we had a lot of time to devote to it. We have therefore looked for ways to contribute to the joint effort by offering our skills in terms of 3D printing. With the confinement, we saw a real need to keep the link between colleagues and therefore wanted to find a solution to "get closer" remotely! This is how the idea of "virtual events" was born, which allowed employees to experience convivial and relaxed moments "at a distance". Despite the deconfinement, we do not intend to stop there with new 3D printed objects or new training sessions!

  • The next topics you would like to discuss in techn'AB?

We would like to see if we can produce goodies via 3D printing so that we can offer them to our consultants! For the moment it is still at the project stage but we like the idea of being able to produce them directly in-house!

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